Thursday, 31 March 2011

Evaluation Question Four

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


When we first started to look at different songs we could choose for our music video; we started to research on youtube through different music video's where we would look at different artsist and their songs. To see if we could choose a song from this and get ideas form the video itself. This is where we found the list of song choices we had to coose between. Youtube helped because we would not have found our final song and the ideas from different music videos.

Also we just looked on google images into the style of the artist; Michelle Branch because the style of the artist has to match the genre of the song. Researching into this helped us find the style of our artist; skinny jeans and dark make-up.


After we had finished researching the song and artsist we had chosen, we needed to use the media technology; Blogger. To plan our own music video on. Stating when we would be filming, the research we had done and different ideas involving our music video and ancillary tasks. In my case; there are two lots of planning on my blog due to the change of song choice because the first choice didn't work out so well.


When constructing our music video, digipacks and adverts we had to use a range of different media technologies. To edit our music videos we used Imovie HD. Which gave us the technology to upload our footage from a camera and edit it. Making it so we could add in different tranisitions, cut clips down and add in new effects.

When we were actually filming our music video, we used a normal video camera. Where would be go to different locations and play the song in the background and capture different footage.

For my digipack and advert, we used my sisters camera that looks a lot like this one. We used this to take pictures so we could upload them on to the computer and edit them.

When I upoladed the pictures onto the computer, the construction process was still going on because I began to add effects the photo's I had chosen to be in/on my digipack and advert. I also added text into them as well. To make them look very real and professional.


After doing all of the researching, planning and construction we knew we needed to evaluate our main product and ancillary tasks. I have used two media technologies to evaluate all three of my media products.

The first one was; Prezi. Where we had to create a presentation stating all of the questions that are on this blog. Just adding bullet points and images, then we had to present this in class.

The second one was; Blogger. This blog is answering an evaluation for example. I am posting all of the evaluation questions and answers on my blog in different posts.

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