This artist is Selena Gomez.
We think she has a punk rock edge that we want to incorporate into our artists style. As you can see she is also quite girly as well, we also want to incorporate this into our artist too.
The artist above is Sara Barielles, Sara was part of our list of song choices. Her style of song is like the song we have chosen. Her style is like Demi's; it's Indie. This is why we want to try and incorporate her style.
This artist is Kelly Clarkson, Kelly's style of music is very punk/pop. Her style is a reflection of her music; it is very punky. Her make up is quite dark like in the picture so we want to try and make our artist's make up like this. We also want to try and use Kelly's hairstyle making it quite messy, showing a punky look.
So overall we are looking for quite a casual Indie/Rock style for clothes but a punky look for the make-up and hair. This is because it is a reflection of the indie/pop song we are doing the music video for.
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